

  • Entreprise innovante située sur la Technopole Bordeaux Montesquieu à Martillac (33)
  • Société de recherche sous-contrat
  • 15 ans d'existence
  • Société à taille humaine
  • Agréement au titre du C.I.R (Crédit d'Impôt en faveur de la Recherche)
Cerevaa is an applied Research Center under contract offering a specialized expertise about NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) for your Research and Development projects. From the simple analysis of a raw material or from the Research and Development study to the setting up of innovative methods on industrial sites, we meet everyone's need, from SME to big group. Low field (20 MHz) and high field (500 MHz) NMR methods are complementary to characterize physico-chemical and chemical properties of raw materials and finished products (plant extracts, sunscreen lotions, moisturizing creams, make up, care products…). By using low field NMR, it is possible to predict emulsion stability, to optimize formula and process, to measure hydration state and to follow the efficacy of active ingredients on models such as hair, reconstructed skin or skin explants… By using high field NMR, a fine and precise characterization of the sample composition is carried out. The fields of applications concern control of raw materials, search for the origin of defects (smell, texture, crystals…), following of active ingredient stability, search for undesirable molecules, study of container / content interactions… I invite you to look at the various applications in the "Products" section and to contact us via the platform, by email or by phone, to discuss about your projects.
Activity sectors
Research and formationTesting and analyses
R&DHairSkinStabilityControlRaw MaterialHydrationEvaluationNMRAnalysisActive ingredient



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