Zero Waste and biodegradable

Zero Waste and biodegradable

Zero Waste and biodegradable
Zero Waste and biodegradable
Zero Waste and biodegradable
Zero Waste and biodegradable
Zero Waste and biodegradable


Our bathrooms are now filled with all kinds of packaging. Shampoo bottles, jars of cream or even tubes of toothpaste have become commonplace in our homes and this is not necessarily for the good of our planet. It is by studying this problem that is close to our hearts that we have this year developed our zero-waste skincare range. Developed with an eco-responsible approach, discover our 5 solid and/or reusable products to take care of your body but also of the planet. To go even further, we have taken up the challenge of formulating as many of our products as possible with easily biodegradable raw materials. Our products have therefore been tested using the BioDScreen method which evaluates the biodegradability of the products. Indeed, many of our cosmetics are generally composed of materials depositing non-biodegradable residues in our pipes that will later end up in the oceans.

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