Biomimicry = Nature inspired innovation (conference in english)

Biomimicry = Nature inspired innovation (conference in english)

Monday, October 12, 2020 9:05 AM to 10:05 AM ¡ 1 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)
e-Cosmetic 360 conference program


#Conferences on the theme of innovating mindfully 💡
What does it mean to innovate mindfully? That is our flagship theme for this edition of e-cosmetic360. Innovating mindfully is a voluntary act of identifying the positive impact of the choices we make today on the world of tomorrow. This involves reflecting on the meaning of our actions, our projects, our company, and using that paradigm shift to seek out new business opportunities that fit better with the needs of our society as a whole. 🚀
Driven, as ever, by a desire to discuss and understand the major challenges of the future, e-cosmetic360 has invited four experts to speak at the trade fair’s conference cycle:

This cycle of conferences will be led by Leila Rochet, founder of the agency 'Cosmetics Inspiration & CrĂŠation', event partner

• #OlivierBarbeau, President and founder of the Institut Sapiens.
• #PascaleBrousse, director of the consulting firm TREND SOURCING.
• #ChristopheLienard, Innnovation Director of Groupe Bouygues.
• #KalinaRaskin, Director of the Ceebios.

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