

The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among
the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living
world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to
meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for
the excellence of its scientific achievements, the CNRS is a reference in the
world of research and development, as well as for the general public. It has
been entrusted by the French government with the responsibility of advancing
knowledge for the benefit of society.

Finding applications for research results so that scientific
advances benefit society is the second mission of the CNRS. Each year,
inventions, technologies, and start-ups originate from its laboratories. The
strong interaction between its research and the industrial world make the CNRS
an essential player in innovation, both in France and internationally.

The CNRS is a key player in innovation. It invests in: • Research Excellence, freedom of research, interdisciplinarity and technology transfer are so many values that promote research that is in line with economic and social challenges. • Technology transfer From the first results of research until potential transfer to industry, the CNRS accompanies scientists and businesses in finding applications for innovative research findings. Industrial partnerships, protection of results, maturation of technologies, transfers via operating licences and business creation are at the heart of the organisation’s strategy. Relevant laboratories are pooled within two national networks: the Cosmactifs network for fields essentially related to biology and chemistry; and the Cosmethics network which focuses on interdisciplinary research and topics based on the humanities and social sciences. • Training In charge of disseminating the knowledge and know-how originating from its laboratories, the CNRS proposes more than 270 short professional training sessions (3 to 5 days) delivered by research personnel in facilities intended for researchers, engineers and technicians from the private and public sectors. In cosmetics, it relies on: - 51 research units - 50 research collaboration agreements - 131 patent families - 45 licensing agreements - 7 start-ups - More than 20 training sessions (skin cell biology / microfluidics / microscopy / emulsions / formulation and synthesis etc.) - More than 30 companies benefiting from training each year
Activity sectors
Research and formation

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